Body Language Trainer : All basic gestures and their meanings at a glance

2020-03-26T20:10:47+02:00Von |Kategorien: article, body language|

The body language trainer is a successful app for iPhone and iPad. The content is now avaialbe for free at and Body Language Trainer - All basic gestures at a glance The Cobra The Sphinx The Interlock The Recliner The Barrier [...]

Funny charade words and ideas. A game for christmas, new years eve and evenings with friends

2017-01-12T12:33:18+02:00Von |Kategorien: article, How to/ Making of, inspiration|

Let the games beginn: words All who have ever played charade know that you can fill an evening easily. You just mutually explain different words, either by drawing, storytelling or mime. Who has got the game not to hand, can pick up a few suggestions here in the following [...]

Status: Signs of body language for Improv, theater and stage

2016-10-21T21:04:55+02:00Von |Kategorien: article, body language, How to/ Making of|

The term status plays a defining roll on the stage. Audiences recognize status without it even being mentioned. Status is always there. Actors must consciously learn to show it. If it is missing from a performance, the scene will seem unnatural. What is status? Status describes the imbalance of power 2 people in a relationship. [...]

Micro Expression: The facial expressions of the 7 basic emotions at a glance

2016-10-21T21:04:55+02:00Von |Kategorien: article, body language, body language|

The interpretation of body language has recently become a popular subject due to the TV show „Lie to me“. The associated facial expressions are often used for only a fraction of a second but give away one’s true emotions. This is often followed by fake expressions attempting to hide one’s real feelings. One who can [...]

100 best inspirational artist quotes, you can use in your daily work

2016-10-21T21:04:55+02:00Von |Kategorien: inspiration, Uncategorized|

The that the right words have a way of finding you when you need to hear them. Here is a collection of 100 + 10 Bonus  amazing quotes that I revisit when i need some inspiration or just have to deal with a situation and don't know what to do. Enjoy and feel free to [...]

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