For all who ask themselves why I constantly have to update my iPhone apps? Here comes the answer: With each new operating system update, the requirement for compatibility increases to all apps. Some updates do not require to adjust, some absolutely do. That is why Apple encourages all developers to make their apps fit for the next generations of IOS operating systems.

At the same time, the app store is freed from apps which are not further developed thus restricting the functions of the new iPhone models.

We also updated our app with new desing and features: Check out the screenshots and download your update.

Body language trainer for iPhone

Screenshot iPhone: Menu

screenshot iPhone: Menu

Body language trainer for iPad

screenshot iPad: Quiz

screenshot iPad: interlock


Now also for Apple Watch

screenshot apple watch: menu

screenshot apple watch: cobra

screenshot apple watch: cobra description

The new app is not only nice and tidy, you can now install it for your Apple Watch.

App description „body language trainer“

Version 2.0 is here: Completely rewritten and prettier than ever.

The body language trainer gives an introduction to the concepts of body language. It shows how to read and understand body language.

  • Includes all the basics of body language
  • Read the concise information on over 60 cards
  • Get tips on how to react in different situations
  • See the abstract, meaning and a short exclamation for better understanding at a glance
  • Consolidate your knowledge with the quiz
  • Sneak a peek on your Apple watch to casually refresh your knowledge (watch app included)

Nobel Prize winner and psychologist Daniel Kahneman found that people prefer to do business with people they like and trust – even if this person offers a higher price and a lower quality than its competitors.

People who can read body language, react better in social situations and become more likable. Learn to interpret the signals with Body Language Trainer. This helps in situations such as:

  • Interview
  • Salary negotiation
  • Flirting & Seducing
  • Sales

The concise information for each gesture makes it easy to learn and understand their meaning. Thus, the app offers quick learning success. No one needs to read these 1000 pages anymore.

Curious? Then visit the Apple Store and download the body language trainer for 3,99 dollar here.

You already own the app? Load the free update.